Monday, April 19, 2010


I headed west out of town and passed this house which has always made me think it belongs in the southwest, not eastern Kansas. Just down the road is a small development called GreenTree. I rode down GreenTree Lane, Greentree Drive, and GreenTree Way. There were plenty of green trees, and plenty of loose dogs. I had several different breeds give chase to me. They didn't bite or jump, but they got close enough to let me know that they could. Several others just barked as if cheering them on. Fortunately I stayed remarkably calm and rode out unscathed.
I stopped about halfway through a 40 mile loop and snapped a picture as I crossed the train tracks in Gardner.
Everything is getting green, and some of the trees, like these redbuds, are at their most colorful.

Even the bike path is decorated with a splash of color.

It felt really good to get a few miles in, especially as the weekend holds a better chance for rain.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! We are having a gorgeous spring here, it's good to see others are as well.
