Saturday, April 24, 2010

spring classic

Saturday I rode in the first organized, supported, pay ride of the the season for the Johnson County Bicycle Club, the Spring Classic. There was roving SAG support and one, two, or three stops, depending on the route you chose,  with water, sports drink, fruit, and snacks to re-energize riders as they rode. Maps were provided with directions for a 23 mile loop, a 46 mile loop, and a 70 mile loop.
These pictures should give you an idea of the kind of weather we're having today, the last several days, really. But, I checked the forecast mid-week, and again this morning, and it seemed like the morning would be dry, and the afternoon, not so much. So I opted for the 46 mile loop. With a little warm-up ride around the parking lot I actually rode 47.5 miles. And I felt the first drop of rain at 46.5 miles, confirming that I had made the right decision.
Even with my warm-up, and some healthy rollers along the way, I averaged 14 mph, which, for me, is good. I noticed how I seemed more inclined to push harder when there were other riders around me. Trying to stay out in front, or not fall too far behind, proved an incentive that I don't have when I'm riding by myself.
Six more weeks until Biking Across Kansas. To prepare for BAK I'll continue to put in miles, and try to  prepare for wind,  rolling hills, and every kind of weather imaginable. Hand-in-hand with the miles, is the added bonus of dropping a few pounds, which helps me do more miles. A good "cycle" to get stuck in.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun. I also find it much easier to ride with a group.
