Saturday, April 28, 2012

still riding, dreaming

I haven't posted for a while. There have been some good rides, but nothing new or exciting to share with you. Even when I've had my camera with me, nothing has made me want to stop and take a picture. Probably a result of riding the same routes over and over. It's still enjoyable, but not "special". I wonder if I would feel this way if I rode all my rides in Colorado?

The plan for this summer includes the CRMBT in August. I'm also planning a tour for June, just don't know where yet. (Paul, are you still interested?)  One of my nephews has invited me to join him and his buddy for Tour of the Mississippi River Valley,  a two-day ride along the river, about 200 miles of rolling hills in northeast Iowa and northwest Illinois. They are also riding RAGBRAI in July, which I would like to do at some point. But, it's too close to my trip to Colorado, and I have to work sometime.

So, I'll keep riding around my little piece of eastern Kansas, trying to be ready for any and all adventures coming my way this summer. I'll take my camera in hopes of seeing something amazing, or amusing. For today I'm just doing a little Colorado dreaming, remembering rides through the mountains through pictures I took. I hope you enjoy the pictures, and I hope you get out and enjoy the weekend where you are.